Belgium Seafood Marketing Analisys

In 2007, the total Belgium seafood market was estimated to be USD 611 million, with imports representing 90 percent of the total.
Much of this seafood is imported into Belgium to be processed,
either smoked or marinated, and then re-exported to neighboring
European countries.

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Despite this large reexport market, over 80 percent of the
Belgian population regularly eats seafood.  Belgium also has one
of the highest per capita rates of fish consumption in Europe.
In 1996, annual seafood consumption reached 22 kilos per capita
in Belgium versus an average of 12-15 kilo for the rest of
Europe.  Consumption has been increasing at an annual rate of
four percent for the last ten years.  This increase is primarily
due to greater consumer interest in health and nutrition.

to be continued

Per avere visione del progetto richiederlo a Salvatore Bulgarella

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